Reaching out

I wanted to reach out and say hello.

I wanted to reach out and give you an update.

I wanted to reach out so you have my details going forward.

I wanted to reach out because I’m concerned that you may not be getting the best advice available about plastic decking.

May I quickly reach out to you?

I was really just hoping to see when would be a good time to reach out.

Here’s why I’m reaching out: I love working with people like you who I think are doing exciting things with plastic decking.

I’m reaching out to you personally because my researches have highlighted you as a key influencer in this field.

I was inspired to reach out to you in the hope of igniting a conversation on how best I can serve your plastic decking needs.

Hey first name, I am reaching out to you because explain how you can relate to them re plastic decking.

I want to reach out to brand ambassadors in plastic decking – like you.

I want to reach out to follow up on the email I sent last week.

I want to reach out because it’s been a while and I’m keen to tell you about what’s been happening in the world of plastic decking since I last reached out to you.

Did you not get my email?

I only wanted to reach out.

What I know about Love Island even though I’ve never seen it

Love Island is a Rorschach test: you see what you want to see.

Love Island deals with deeper issues than lovers’ tiffs and perfect bodies.

Love Island is fuelling demand for cosmetic surgery, especially lip fillers.

Love Island is making us all more anxious about body image. 

Love Island shows the pain behind the Instagram illusion of a perfect life.

This summer’s big beachwear battle is between insta-kaftans and Love Island cutouts.

Here’s why so many of us have decided it’s OK to love Love Island: it’s a microcosm of reality.

Love Island shows that millennials are snowflakes and we should blame their parents.

Teenage boys are taking steroids to get Love Island bodies.

Love Island is a sad reflection on our education system.

You can be an intellectual and still like Love Island.

You can’t be an intellectual and still like Love Island.

Love Island has led to house price rises in Mallorca.

Love Island proves that the art of conversation is dead.

Love Island is to blame for the decline of hairy chests.

If Shakespeare were alive today, he’d be watching Love Island.

Love Island shows us that men can be vulnerable too.

Love Island tells us all we need to know about toxic masculinity.

The prime minister has never seen Love Island.

At least one person on Love Island doesn’t know what Brexit is.

80,000 people applied for Love Island and it’s harder to get into than Oxbridge.

Love Island makes me fear for the future of humanity.

If you haven’t seen Love Island, that doesn’t make you a snob.

You need to stop being snobby about Love Island and embrace what it teaches us about feminism and relationships.

Love Island is our swipe-left culture made real.

You don’t like Love Island because it reminds you of your dad bod.